Do You Have Questions About NY Construction Site Accidents?

A New York construction accident can leave you with many questions, and you may not understand your legal rights. Here are some common questions clients ask about construction accidents.

What is your first priority if injured in a construction site accident?

In a construction accident, or any accident for that matter, your first priority is to receive medical attention. Your chances of recovering from an injury are better if you are treated right away. Receiving treatment also documents the injury and the fact that it resulted from a construction site accident. In addition, your doctor can explain the severity of the injury and the extent of treatment necessary for you to recover.

Under what circumstances can you sue for damages in a construction accident?

You cannot sue your direct employer because workers compensation law prohibits doing that. However, you can sue other third parties whose negligence contributed to your accident. For example, if you were struck by a falling object or debris or fell from a scaffold or ladder due to unsafe work conditions, you may be able to sue the building owner or general contractor. If equipment was defective and that caused your injury, you may be able to sue the manufacturer.

How long do you have to file a construction site accident claim?

New York deadlines (called a statute of limitations) for a construction accident are three years from the injury date. However, if you suffered injury as a result of a city, state or federal government or other government agency, then the deadline to file is much shorter. Get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible.

For a serious injury, it is wise to speak with an attorney as soon as possible for several reasons. As time passes, it becomes more difficult to gather evidence to support a case. Also, later on you may have trouble remembering important details about what occurred.

If you have legal questions as a result of a serious injury in a construction site accident, get in touch with an experienced accident lawyer.